Women in Fintech

Women in Fintech

In the Fintech industry, its estimated women represent only 30% of the workforce. According to a study from Credit Suisse Research Institute, companies with at least one female board member had a 26% better performance than male board-only companies.

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How can you help encourage more women to start a career in Fintech? Let’s start by highlighting and celebrating the trailblazers!

On today’s episode, your hosts Trent Berry and Sarah Johnson from SS&C Advent are joined by Melissa Gilbertson, Assistant Vice President, Information Technology and Trading Operations Manager at Mairs & Power & Jennifer Kirksey, Managing Director, Wealth Operations at Tolleson. They’ll share their trailblazing stories and discuss the changing landscape around gender diversity within the Fintech world.


Trent Berry

Trent Berry

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Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

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Jennifer Kirksey

Jennifer Kirksey

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Melissa Gilbertson

Melissa Gilbertson

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